You touched my life 你碰觸了我的人生
With the softness in the night 以夜的輕柔
My wish was your command 我的願望就是你的使命
Until you ran out of love 直到你的愛不再
Tell myself I'm free 告訴自己:我是自由的
Got a chance of living just for me 有個好好過日子的機會
No need to hurry home 需急忙趕回家
Now that you're gone 此刻,你早已離去
Knife, cuts like a knife 像把刀,痛同刀割
How will I ever heal 我怎麼可能痊癒
I'm so deeply wounded 我傷的如此深
Knife, cuts like a knife 像把刀,痛如刀割
You've cut away the heart of my life 你割去了我生命的核心
When I pretend 當我假裝
When U smile to fool my dearest friends 笑著欺騙我最要好的朋友
I wonder if they know 我懷疑他們究竟知不知道
It's just a show 這只是一場秀
I'm on a stage 我就站在舞台上
Day and night 日以繼夜
I go through my charade 玩著自己的猜字遊戲
But how can i disguise 但我該怎麼掩飾
What's in my eyes 我的雙眼
I've tried and tried 我不斷的嘗試
Locking up the pain I feel inside 鎖住內心的痛楚
The pain of wanting you wanting you 那種需要你的痛楚