Bizarre Love Triangle 三角畸戀 (福斯汽車廣告曲)
原唱:New Order 翻唱:Frente 再翻唱: 超偶 Baby face
Every time I think of you 每當你從我腦海裡閃過
I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue 就彷彿是晴天霹靂刺透我的心
It's no problem of mine 這原不是我自己的問題
But it's a problem I find 但卻是我自找的
Living the life that I can't leave behind 我不想過這樣的生活卻又逃不開
There's no sense in telling me 別跟我講甚麼大道理
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free 陷入情(股)海的傻瓜本就無法解脫
But that's the way that it gose 而我倆的曖昧關係也就這麼走了下去
And it's what nobody knows 在不為人知下偷偷地發展
And every day my confusion grows 心中的困惑卻與日俱增
Every time I see you falling 每當我看你陷入天人交戰
I get down on my knees and pray 我便跪下祈禱
I'm waiting for the final moment 期待著最後有那麼一刻
You say the words that I can't say 你會坦言我倆難以啟齒的秘密
I feel fine and I feel good 跟你在一起的感覺是如此舒服與美好
I feel like I never should 以致於有我們不該這樣的罪惡感
Whenever I get this way 每當這種感覺襲上心頭
I just don't know what to say 總讓我欲言又止
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday 為何你我無法重新做回昨日的自己﹖
I'm not sure what this could mean 我不確定這代表些什麼
I don't think you're what you seem 但總覺得你也變得有點虛偽
I do admit myself 我必須承認
That if I hurt someone else 如果我因此傷害了誰
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be 我看不出來我倆在一起有任何意義
WGY 講評: 嗯, 身為股民這首歌的確有touch到我, 它把市場/投資人/大師之間又愛又恨的三角關係描繪得恰如其分
原本想這次就不手癢改詞了再配個中文翻譯就好, 才發現原來中譯歌詞沒有官方版本
所以小弟我只好自己操刀了, 翻得不好的話還請大家見諒啦!
但若各位覺得翻得比電視超偶配的傳神的話, 也請絕對不要因此誤會小弟頗有歷鍊又愛搞不倫之戀
我只是跟豹大一樣喜歡看藍色生死戀罷了, 千萬不要去懷疑宅男的貞操